Thursday 30 October 2014


Have you ever heard these words before? You are beautiful but without brains OR you are beautiful but without character. I’m sure this rings a bell in the minds of majority of us. A young focused man who wants to settle down for marriage does not just bring a girl home because she’s beautiful, her character and qualities without a doubt must be accessed by his parents and members of his family. Now I want to inform everyone out there that no one in this generation wants to be hooked unto a liability for life. If you are not useful especially as a youth in this age and time then it’s a tragedy to say that you are just matter occupying a whole lot of space that in real sense do not matter to his/her generation (1 Timothy 4:12).
It was Bishop David Oyedepo that said: “It is better to endure the pain of success than to suffer the pain of regret”. Recently in my life I've realized that life do not give you what you deserve but what you demand. However, most youths today do not take out the time to be responsible. We have been too engulfed, engrossed, enveloped and involved with the social networks today that we've forgotten that we have a destination and only determination can drive us to our destination.Friends, if we cannot carry the burden and weight or jump the hurdles that life brings to us now, are we going to wait until we grow old before we take a decision to do so? I know that most of us are unable to move from our comfort zone because we are afraid of the unknown, for most of us procrastination has become a habit others laziness has engulfed us totally (Proverbs 6:9-11). We think and ask ourselves: what if I fail at it?, what if my thoughts cannot become a reality?, what if the finances are not enough to continue?, what if I come crashing down? What I’ll tell anyone in this category of life and I’m also telling myself is that it is better to have tried and failed in something than never have tried at all. Steve Harvey says that fear can either be F-forget E-everything A-and R-run OR F-face E-everything A-and R-rise.

Failing once or twice or even more does not make you a failure, what makes you a failure is when you give up and stop trying (Hebrews 12:1). Always forget your past failures and mistakes and keep on keeping on. One of my mentors said: “Until you let go of the past you will end up passing away with the past and you become a past tense” (Isaiah 43:18-19b). So therefore the only way to be beautiful and useful in life is to take full responsibility of your life and destiny. Determine to be a lady or a young man with brains.
Some days back my dad asked me a question that I've not been able to recover from something that can never leave my heart and I’ll like us to ponder on it as well. If you were given the opportunity to write on your own obituary about how you lived your life, what would you write? Now, if what you are now is not what you want to see written down, then I urge you today to start making a decision of change. If all of us take a decision today to become useful in life as well as responsible then the generations behind us would not find it hard to follow and neither will they suffer. BE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL!!!GOD BLESS YOU!!!

Monday 6 October 2014


Hi friends, for a while now, I have been on a journey to becoming a better person. It's not been easy based on past orientation and one or two mistakes here and there but God is helping me. This week, I want to drop this message with you. It has been on my mind for a couple of weeks now and I think it's time to share. People may not really know what a religious attitude is but not to worry; I will break it down for you. It's simply that feeling you get when you believe that because you do everything thing right that's why you have it so easy in life. That feeling you get when you see someone you consider not to be as spiritual as you making it and you have not made any progress. 
You know what I mean, that attitude of self righteousness. The attitude that makes you point fingers at 'sinners'. The attitude that makes you think you are better than everyone. The one that makes you think because you go to church and read the whole bible every week, you are better than the man in the club. 
Let me show you something, in John 8:1-11, when the Pharisees brought to JESUS  the woman they had found fornicating, you must understand that they were still trying to validate if JESUS was the indeed the son of God as he claimed to be. They were expecting him to say 'stone her, she has sinned and she must pay with her blood'. But no, JESUS sensed that this was a religious attitude. Now this story draws our attention to a lot of things: 
1) Where was the man she was commuting the sin with? 
2) If JESUS had said they should kill her, would they have believed He was the messiah? 
3) Why did JESUS answer them in that manner? (vs 7 'He that is without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her)
4) What was JESUS writing on the ground? (I personally feel like he was writing out their sins on the ground)
5) Why did they leave even if no one knew their individual sins? 
If you think about the above questions, you will know that the Pharisees suffered from the 'self righteousness' syndrome. Quite frankly a lot of us still do this today and this is one of the reasons the church is failing. We are too busy pointing fingers at each other and thinking we are better but the truth is that all we are today is by God's grace. We have to learn not to condemn. See what JESUS said in vs 11.
We have to do away with this attitude. The one that eliminates the power of grace in this dispensation and makes it look like we all deserve what with get. We are supported by grace and grace alone. 
1) If you have this attitude, please pray against it. It will help you to be a better person and to affect the life's of others positively 
2) If you have drawn away from God and You feel like the whole world is against you, please take the leap of faith to change today. It's never to late to begin with God.