Wednesday, 31 December 2014


I’m certain that most of us have gone down through memory lane thinking on how this year 2014 went by and some of us might have been thankful both for the little things and the big things while other might not have seen anything to be thankful or grateful for. For majority of us, we know that deep down within us we do not actually deserve to live another second, minute or hour on earth but God disappointed you, for some of us we do not even deserve the life we are enjoying now, the peace in our home’s, the love in our relationships and families, that little girl in our arms we have that makes the world go round for us and even the year 2014. But with all of our complains, our doubts and disobedience to God we made it to the end. So for as many of us that have not been thankful to God since the beginning of the year 2014, be thankful that you made it till the end of this year and may I remind you even at this very moment so many people have passed on to the other side but God has sustained you, therefore be thankful because death came close to knocking on your door, the door of your family or loved on but it passed by because of God’s mercies.
                Therefore I admonish all of us today to count our blessings all through the year 2014, take out time to remember and list them out and you’ll see how God has been good to you, your family and loved ones. And you will also see how God never treated you according to your iniquities.

                We want to thank every reader of the REAL SOUL FOOD BLOG; you are all richly blessed by God and thanks for all your supports, testimonies and comments. We wish you all A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.

Thursday, 25 December 2014


It’s that time of the year again. Where almost everyone is happy and all through the year many people could not wait for this time. Many people are on leave from work and all schools have shut down. This time of the years is so exciting because many people get to travel, relax and eat all they can. Oh my, how I love this time of the year. But I must say, of late, I am starting to think that despite all the fun and time we have on our hands, we may slightly forget what is responsible for all the joy we feel at this time of the year.

It’s not just the end of the year, but it is also the time the greatest gift was given to us years ago. I know many people say that the birth of Jesus isn’t as significant as the death, but I say that without His birth, there would have been no death. So this is just a quick reminder, to all my brothers and sisters who believe that Jesus is our Saviour, not to forget amidst all the fun and merry, that it’s Jesus’ birthday.


Do something this season that reflects the love God has for you. Give, smile and praise. God bless you. Merry Christmas