Monday, 10 February 2014


I have always had a hard time dealing with change; mostly because when I am at a point in my life that feels comfortable I don’t want things to change. But then I realized that, change is a constant thing or should I say a force of life. Change is inevitable, no one can stop change.
Now as Christians we cannot be the same forever. We have to change and solve in Christ. What I mean is that no Christian is permitted to be at the same spot forever. A wise man of God said that in the school of Jesus, there is no graduate but there are levels and depths. just like there are classes in orthodox schools.
It is important for us to know that it takes courage and desperation for us to change. Many of us are used to complaining and murmuring about everything that has gone wrong in our lives but the truth is that when you complain and murmur you just cost yourself to worry and it leads to no gain.  There are many instances in the bible that you can see how people changed their lives just by being courageous and desperate (it is important to know that only a Child of God can truly change and command results in his/her life).
Look at Jacob in Genesis 32:24-29, he was tired of his situation and he had the courage to hold unto God and when God saw his desperation, He made Jacob a changed man. Also look at the story of Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52, who was shouting the Name of Jesus from afar, people told him to stop but he didn't because the was desperate. When Jesus sensed his desperation he was called and healed. May I remind you that there were a number of people following Jesus but none of them were recorded to be healed or changed but the courageous man who was desperate got his change.
Now looking at the above example, you can see that these two men did not just sit down and beg. They took bold steps of faith and pursued what they wanted. It is time to stop complaining and rise up, cry to the lord with desperation and receive the grace to change. SOMETHING MUST CHANGE.

"Father, I come before you today to seek your mercies. Forgive me all I have done and accept me into your kingdom. I pray thee o Lord that you help me to change. I don’t want to be the same person I was yesterday. Thank you lord because I know something is changing in me"

God bless you.                        


  1. Pastor Enoch Haruna11 February 2014 at 06:47

    thanks, for the charge. would definitely work on that. GOD bless you

  2. i like to say that you guys are doing a good, pardon me, rather really great work here. i see God blowing this little begining out of proportion, am watchin up dere 4 u guys
    . Dam Dam
