Monday, 12 May 2014


Think about this for a second. When the chariots of death is racing fast towards you or coming up against you, and you are at a cross road just like the people of Israel in Exodus 14:10-22 as in the case of the Egyptian army and the Red Sea, with no knowledge of how to get to the other side, I ask what do you do? I’m sure different thoughts are racing through your mind right now but just imagine you were among these Israelites, it looks to me like most of us would forget God in an instance and surrender back to the Egyptians, or rather some might even be so overwhelmed with fear and defecate on themselves, or maybe just dive into the sea and say something like “it’s better to die in here than to go back to Egypt and be tortured again”.
Friends I’ll say this one truth, no matter what we cook up in our minds to have done if we were part of them, what saved them was GOD. There’s no explanation that can be formulated by any man but God. In Exodus 14:21-22, we see how God through his mighty power parted the red sea. A geographical disaster did not just decide to pop up at that minute friends or the global climate did not just decide to change. But understand that the people grumbled and complained even after they saw the wonders of God upon the Egyptians (Exodus 7-11). The sad truth is that humans are never satisfied.
Now the question is what do you do when you find yourself in a cross road? My answer to you is that you come out of the crowd and listen. That was what Moses did. He came out of the crowd to seek the face of the father on what to do. “Until you are helpless before God, he cannot make you a useful tool in his hands”. Despite the Chariots of Pharaoh on their tail, it would have resulted to a whole lot of panic for the people but Moses kept a calm and a noiseless spirit and sought God and heard from him (Exodus 14:15-16). But can you imagine if Moses panickedas well and didn’t even think of seeking God just like the rest of the people of Israel, surely they would have been captured and be tortured worse of especially him and Aaron.
For majority of us, when life’s storms hit us hard, and it looks like life has turned its back on us and maybe we find ourselves in situations where finances are not coming from left right and centre, the landlord is about to send you and your family packing out because he wants to renovate and you have nowhere else to go or your husband is about to marry a second wife and throw you out because you are unable to bare any child for him and your heart is full of worry not having any clue of what to do, and neighbours, family and friends are giving you different advice on committing fraud or prostitution or to see a “babalawo” (herbalist). I tell you today that the best thing you can do for yourself and for the sake of your future is to come out from the midst of the crowd and seek the face of God on what to do. Keep away a heart full of worry and noise and allow God to speak to you. Trust me when I say that worry has never solved any problem but has caused many such as high blood pressureetc.
So I urge you today that you have an attitude of Moses and make that decision to seek the face of God. Whenever God brings you out from your bondage and leads you to what looks like a red sea scenario, it is to show you that he is powerful to take you through it by his power without a scratch, how great he is and how tiny the enemy is, and also to bury the enemy totally beneath you never to come against you again.

Allow God to be your only option and never ever make room for any alternative.

1 comment:

  1. Am blessed. Tank u jesus for ur grace
