Monday 24 February 2014


I have been thinking seriously about this and I ask myself, do I really look like my Father? Can someone just take a look at me or listen to me for a minute and say that I am a child of God? I always ask myself this because I know that we are in a world where it has become very hard to say who is a child of God. I saw the story of Peter and John in Acts 4:13 and it got me thinking about my identity. When people saw them they knew that they had been affiliated with Jesus because they had his boldness that only Jesus was known to carry. People knew that these two men were illiterates but still yet they could see how bold they were just by observing them.
When I saw the story, it tickled something in me that made me wonder if people know that I am affiliated with Christ. Sometimes, and I know this happens to a lot of youths, we go to certain places and we are shy to talk about Christ. We can't even say "I Thank God" in front of some of our peers so that they won't call you "Spiri-coco" or names like that.
Let me give an example of something that happened to me. There was a day I was invited to hang out with old friends to catch up on old times. When I got there they asked me what I wanted to drink and I said il just have a bottle of coke. Everybody there including the waiter began to laugh at me and then an old friend said "ahh, this one is now a pastor o, she doesn’t drink". Now,, not that I felt bad that I didn’t drink but I was not happy that I was singled out like that. I felt a little bit bad but on my way home the Holy Spirit said to me "would you have preferred they had said bring 10 bottles for this madam, she can drink more than anyone I know". When I heard that, I agreed with Him.
In Acts 11:26, the bible tells us that this was the first time the disciples were referred to as Christians because they were acting and doing like Jesus. Meaning that, it was very obvious because they were alike with Jesus Christ. If you are truly a child of God people should see it in you. You don’t have to tell people who you are. If people know your biological parents and they see you, they will see a sense of resemblance between you and your parents. That’s how it should be with our heavenly Father.
We are ambassadors of Christ. Wherever we go, people should see us and see God in us. Let me also point out that your representation of Christ can win souls into the kingdom of God. If you show fort the God in you, people can be touched and will want that same thing working in you to work in them. DON’T JUST PREACH GOD, SHOW THE GOD IN YOU.
I want to leave you with this, 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV) "Don’t let anyone look down on yu because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity". PLEASE LET SEE OUR FATHER IN US.
"Lord, I ask that you give me the grace to be able to show forth who you are in my life. Help me to be a good ambassador to your kingdom and give me the strength to overcome all distractions of the enemy to make me mis-represent you".


1 comment:

  1. Very true indeed. May these words continue to rest in my heart. Amen.
