Wednesday, 21 May 2014


Hello everyone. Our topic today is going to be very brief. What I plan to do is to make you ponder on this topic just like I did when the Holy Spirit laid it in my heart. He asked me one day while I was in church, "How far is too far". 
At first I didn't know what he meant, then it was suddenly clear, "How far can you go for The Lord". Kai, I thought deeply and I started to evaluate myself. I reviewed the story of Daniel (Daniel 6:8-13). A decree was passed that no one should pray to any other Gob but that of the kingdom. But Daniel did not agree, he still prayed to God despite the consequences and he was thrown to the lion's den. I stopped and pondered on that; can I do that for God? I asked myself. 
I put a pin in that thought and I moved to Apostle Paul. Do you know that Apostle Paul was actually stoned to the point that they thought he was dead (Acts 14:19-20). But when his stoners left, he dusted his body and went back to continue preaching the gospel. He didn't give up because he was stoned. Hmmm, this one is a serious something o.
But let's also put a pin in that. Then I thought of our lord Jesus Christ. His own ultimate sacrifice is what is keeping me and you today. If not for how far He went, I don't think I'll be here asking you, how far is too far? Jesus paid the ultimate price for the gospel. Have you ever for once thought of how life would have been if Jesus had given up? PRAISE GOD FOR JESUS!!! 
So let's take out all the pins, see how far Daniel went for God, see how far Paul went for God; can we do the same. I mean can we go all out for God, can we sacrifice our comfort, can we sacrifice our bodies, can we sacrifice being thrown to the lion's den, and can we sacrifice being stoned in the name of our God. 
One thing I learnt from these three men is that they determined that God was a priority. So they didn't let their lives be a waste. They knew that when it came to God, it was never too far.   
The truth is that, when it comes to the issues of God, which is the sole purpose of our living, it is never too far. If He can die for us, why can't we do the same for Him? 

1) All I want you to do is to think about your life and what you can do for God. A lot of us have potentials buried in us that is meant to glorify the name of God but we are not exploring it because we are scared of what may happen if we do.  
2) Try to place God as the major priority in your life. This will make it easier for you to understand that it's never too far for God. 
"Lord I want to go all out for you; I ask that You guide me on what You want me to do. I ask that You give me the boldness that I need to do what You want me to do. Lord I desire to more of you so that I can go all out for you. Thank you Lord"

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