Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Thursday, 25 December 2014

It’s not just the end of the year, but it is also the time the greatest gift was given to us years ago. I know many people say that the birth of Jesus isn’t as significant as the death, but I say that without His birth, there would have been no death. So this is just a quick reminder, to all my brothers and sisters who believe that Jesus is our Saviour, not to forget amidst all the fun and merry, that it’s Jesus’ birthday.
Thursday, 30 October 2014

Failing once or twice or even more does not make you a failure, what makes you a failure is when you give up and stop trying (Hebrews 12:1). Always forget your past failures and mistakes and keep on keeping on. One of my mentors said: “Until you let go of the past you will end up passing away with the past and you become a past tense” (Isaiah 43:18-19b). So therefore the only way to be beautiful and useful in life is to take full responsibility of your life and destiny. Determine to be a lady or a young man with brains.
Some days back my dad asked me a question that I've not been able to recover from something that can never leave my heart and I’ll like us to ponder on it as well. If you were given the opportunity to write on your own obituary about how you lived your life, what would you write? Now, if what you are now is not what you want to see written down, then I urge you today to start making a decision of change. If all of us take a decision today to become useful in life as well as responsible then the generations behind us would not find it hard to follow and neither will they suffer. BE BEAUTIFUL AND USEFUL!!!GOD BLESS YOU!!!
Monday, 6 October 2014
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
Have you ever acted or done something before realizing it was wrong and
you wish you could take it back but you can’t? Or have you ever disobeyed or
disrespected someone and you regret it so much that you wish to change the
hands of time right now and do the right thing? Well if you haven’t, I have.
Most times, we act and react too rashly/harshly to situations and circumstances
without even thinking it through. Taking a look at Esther 1:1-21, we see how
Queen Vashti lost her place in royalty, lost her position, lost her crown and
her home out of pride, reacting too quickly and acting in disobedience.
Disobedience can cause a life time of regret. In vs 19 of that
scripture above, we are made to understand that Vashti’s royal position was
stripped off her and she was banished from coming to the king’s presence. It
looks to me that she became like every other common woman in Persia that goes to
market normally and even quarrels with the market women, no more servants to
send because all her privileges were lost. Spiritually what this shows us is
that disobedience to the instructions of God causes us miss some privileges and
other things God has for us. In Numbers 20:12, because of one act of
disobedience from Moses he was not permitted to enter the Promised Land. If you
are not aware what disobedience does to a man, it takes you out of the presence
of God and when that happens you can no longer be led by his spirit neither
will you hear is voice.
The second thing to note is to know who you are
and what you are. In 1Peter 2:9, God has said we have been made royalties. This
means that we must be very careful with the words that gush out of our mouths,
with our actions and reactions to situations, because for one whatever a
subordinate or a servant sees a King, Queen, prince or princess of a Nation do
they emulate, and that almost happened in Esther 1:17. The action of the Queen
would have caused all women in that nation to disrespect their husbands because
that what they saw. Another key point for you today dear brothers and sisters
is to mind who you follow and the people following you. Please don’t live a
selfish life and think nobody watches you or emulates you. This may come
as a shock to someone reading this but I want you to know this and please try
and allow it sink in that “the destinies of others are tied to yours”. If you
choose to live anyhow and think the effect will just be on you, I want you to
know that those people’s destinies are been affected as well.
- My counsel for everyone today is to try and live a selfless life and a
life for others. It doesn't make you a lesser man or woman but a
man and a woman that has the spirit of love.
- And also let's learn to respect
the people we are in a relationship with, be it your husband, wife, friend,
church members, neighbors etc. This is to prevent us from saying something(s)
we would regret.
- For those in the business world,
ministry and even students guard whatever God has given you preciously
and with all diligence and do not lose it because of an act of disobedience, disrespect
just like Queen Vashti did.
Thursday, 7 August 2014

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Saturday, 28 June 2014
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
God Is Good
Tuesday, 17 June 2014
From scriptures, we are made to understand that king David the man after God’s own heart never lost any battle, but understand that it wasn’t all battles he was present at. 2 Samuel 10:19…in the spring, at the (TIME) when KINGS GO OFF TO WAR, emphasis mine. David sent to war and remained in Jerusalem. Understand friends that in the battle of life you go to war, you don’t send to war. Wars and battles are personally fought. No doubt people stand in the gap for others in prayers and victory is won “praise God for that” but the question is;What is your reason for going on a vacation or relaxing or sending your followers to go forth when battles are going on? Personally I always wonder what David was thinking then; he opened the road for the devil to plant the seed of evil within him.
In verse two of that scripture; it says that as he rested walking on the roof he “SAW” LOL. The devil will not open your eyes to see a woman prayingooo or doing something that is of God, but he would rather open your eyes to sin. If David was at the battle ground where he was supposed to be, he wouldn’t have seen what he saw, he won’t have become an adulterer, conspirator of evil and a murderer. David did not plan it but it happened (sounds familiar right). Please friends be where you are meant to be, don’t allow the devil to take you unawares or meet you relaxing or else he capitalizes on it. Don’t allow him creep in at the breakthrough point of your life and don’t allow him define who you are. If you think the devil goes on vacation read (John 10:10).
As a minister of the gospel always be at the fore front and never relent. No matter how far you have gone in ministry and so many pastors have been trained under you, you still remain a Shepard of the flock. Never ever relax (psalm 84:7). As a father in the home please don’t leave the spiritual matters for the woman alone and you snore at night while she’s warring alone in prayers with generational curses from your linage (Deut 32:30) and as a business man or woman, never take your eyes off your business and allow others keep watch over it at all times. Maintain a close watch and record at all times.
Understand friends that David made a mistake and he repented of it and was forgiven but we are privileged to learn from his mistakes and so we do not have to get to that point before knowing what is right. So I urge us today to start now and war it out.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014