Tuesday, 17 June 2014


From scriptures, we are made to understand that king David the man after God’s own heart never lost any battle, but understand that it wasn’t all battles he was present at. 2 Samuel 10:19…in the spring, at the (TIME) when KINGS GO OFF TO WAR, emphasis mine. David sent to war and remained in Jerusalem. Understand friends that in the battle of life you go to war, you don’t send to war. Wars and battles are personally fought. No doubt people stand in the gap for others in prayers and victory is won “praise God for that” but the question is;What is your reason for going on a vacation or relaxing or sending your followers to go forth when battles are going on? Personally I always wonder what David was thinking then; he opened the road for the devil to plant the seed of evil within him.

In verse two of that scripture; it says that as he rested walking on the roof he “SAW” LOL. The devil will not open your eyes to see a woman prayingooo or doing something that is of God, but he would rather open your eyes to sin. If David was at the battle ground where he was supposed to be, he wouldn’t have seen what he saw, he won’t have become an adulterer, conspirator of evil and a murderer. David did not plan it but it happened (sounds familiar right). Please friends be where you are meant to be, don’t allow the devil to take you unawares or meet you relaxing or else he capitalizes on it. Don’t allow him creep in at the breakthrough point of your life and don’t allow him define who you are. If you think the devil goes on vacation read (John 10:10).

As a minister of the gospel always be at the fore front and never relent. No matter how far you have gone in ministry and so many pastors have been trained under you, you still remain a Shepard of the flock. Never ever relax (psalm 84:7). As a father in the home please don’t leave the spiritual matters for the woman alone and you snore at night while she’s warring alone in prayers with generational curses from your linage (Deut 32:30) and as a business man or woman, never take your eyes off your business and allow others keep watch over it at all times. Maintain a close watch and record at all times.


Understand friends that David made a mistake and he repented of it and was forgiven but we are privileged to learn from his mistakes and so we do not have to get to that point before knowing what is right. So I urge us today to start now and war it out.



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