Tuesday, 4 March 2014


Someone was preaching last week in my church and he said something that caused me to think deeply. He said and I'm paraphrasing that, this God we serve, has He changed? Remembering the times of old when men of God will speak into the atmosphere and the enemy will tremble and fall at their feet. Why is it now like God has changed, because many Christians who command things to happen for then end up not happening. 
I sat In my chair and wondered about this. I know my God has not changed, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. So meaning the challenge is from us (I call it a challenge because it can be dealt with). While thinking about this I discovered that the major problem is that we don't realise the greatness of the power of our God. Not that we are not aware, because we hear millions of testimonies; but that we do not fully realise that there is nothing God cannot do. Sometimes when the devil attacks, people make the mistake of thinking it's the will of God thereby not putting into practical all they have been thought about the power of God.
Lemme tell you something, the God you serve is a God who fed Elijah by ravens. He is the God who made manna fall from heaven in the desert. He is the God who fed Five thousand men. He is the God who the hem of his garment healed the sick. He is the one who has put you where you are today. I can go on and on about who He is, my question to you is that do you believe in His ability. The things He has done before do you believe he can do it to you or through you. 
If you don't I advice that you start now. John 14:12 says "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father". 
I have good news for you today. You can do all things. You don't even need to disturb the spiritual leaders in your church. Philippians 4:13. 

1) Don't just say you know what God can do, also believe he can.
2) Start commanding those things that be not as though the were. 
3) Creat a relationship with God. He won't give you more than you can chew. 

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