Saturday, 28 June 2014


My name is Angela. I really have a lot to testify on because this God we serve has been good to me. I have been married for 15 years now and in the 15 years of my marriage I was barren for 13. 
Before I got married I had several abortions due to the life I was living. When I was getting married, I told my husband about my former life and he seemed to have overlooked it. But when we got married and children were not forth coming he blamed me, in short everybody including me blamed myself. It was a trying time for me. It's not like I never got pregnant. I always did and I always lost it when it was 3 months. In my 13 years of barrenness, I had 12 miscarriages. 
Later in 2011 I met a man of God who I told my problem to. He asked me that the abortions I had, what time I had them. I explained that it was when I was in the world and didn't know Christ. He asked me that the last abortion I had, how old was the baby? I said 3 months. He explained to me that the devil is trying to frustrate me by using the age of my aborted baby to destroy the others. 

He advised me to ask God to forgive me for killing the gifts He had given me in the past when I was in the world. He also told me to only thank God for the children He has given me. I wasn't OK with that at first but I did it. Every morning I will pray for my children who are going to school. Everybody laughed at me. 
But Praise God, after doing that for three months I took in. And to the glory of God I gave birth to two bouncing baby boys. God gave me double for my trouble. 
I just want to say that, I don't know what I you are going through but our God is ready to forgive you and help you from grass to grace. Even my husband turned against me but God whose love is eternal stood by me. Please don't give up. He will stand for you. God bless you 

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

God Is Good

My name is Hannah, and I want to testify openly about what God has done for me. My story goes like this. 
I was brought up in a home where my father is a Muslim and my mum was a Christian. So we the kids were left without guidance spiritually. I grew up knowing nothing about relationships both with God and man and this messed up my life greatly from the beginning. 
I had my first boyfriend when I was 10. I had sex for the first time when I was 11. I knew that God frowned upon such things but u still did it anyway because I didn't know better. I was never without a boyfriend in my life then. When I was 14 I met Kingsley. He was 7 years older than me but I felt he loved and understood me more than anyone in the world. We would fool around occasionally and not mind what people will say. Then I got pregnant, this was when I knew that the devil is in existence.
Kingsley denied me to my face. He said he only offered to teach me math. Even the people that always saw us together could not defend me. I was left alone, with a baby growing in me when I was merely an adult. This caused my mum hypertension which eventually lead to her early death. In my third trimester my dad kicked me out and I was all alone. 
I was taken in by a church that funded and took care of me till I put to bed. They also provided a house for me and opened a small business for me. I felt blessed beyond measures. But this was not the end. I felt like my life had ended. I was lost and frustrated. At the age 15 I was a mother that was still a child and I had very little source of income. When I was 16 I became a prostitute and this was how I leave for 10 years. I made a living in this act till I met my husband. 
He picked me up on the street and I thought he wanted sex but when we arrived at what I thought was a hotel, it turned out to be a church and he turned and told me that he didn't know why God lead him to carry me but please I should stay for the service. 
This is when God arrested me. I gave my life to Christ that day and I was seeing one pastor for counseling. My husband was so supportive even when he didn't know I was going to be his wife. I told him about my past and my son and he was so comforting about it. Even when he wanted to start a relationship with me I thought it was for sex, but no. For the three years we courted before getting married he didn't touch me. He respected me and over looked my past. He accepted my son as his and now my son carries his last name. 
At the end of it all, I have am meaningful relationship with God and man. 
I have never really shared this story with anyone but I felt it's time for me to come out and tell people that our God loves us. I read a post on this blog that was insightful (something has to change). If you find Him, He can right your wrong. He can turn your darkness to light. He can make you what you never expected to be. Just believe in Him and He will guide you. That is what I did and from that day Jesus changed my life. I hope this will be helpful to someone 

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


From scriptures, we are made to understand that king David the man after God’s own heart never lost any battle, but understand that it wasn’t all battles he was present at. 2 Samuel 10:19…in the spring, at the (TIME) when KINGS GO OFF TO WAR, emphasis mine. David sent to war and remained in Jerusalem. Understand friends that in the battle of life you go to war, you don’t send to war. Wars and battles are personally fought. No doubt people stand in the gap for others in prayers and victory is won “praise God for that” but the question is;What is your reason for going on a vacation or relaxing or sending your followers to go forth when battles are going on? Personally I always wonder what David was thinking then; he opened the road for the devil to plant the seed of evil within him.

In verse two of that scripture; it says that as he rested walking on the roof he “SAW” LOL. The devil will not open your eyes to see a woman prayingooo or doing something that is of God, but he would rather open your eyes to sin. If David was at the battle ground where he was supposed to be, he wouldn’t have seen what he saw, he won’t have become an adulterer, conspirator of evil and a murderer. David did not plan it but it happened (sounds familiar right). Please friends be where you are meant to be, don’t allow the devil to take you unawares or meet you relaxing or else he capitalizes on it. Don’t allow him creep in at the breakthrough point of your life and don’t allow him define who you are. If you think the devil goes on vacation read (John 10:10).

As a minister of the gospel always be at the fore front and never relent. No matter how far you have gone in ministry and so many pastors have been trained under you, you still remain a Shepard of the flock. Never ever relax (psalm 84:7). As a father in the home please don’t leave the spiritual matters for the woman alone and you snore at night while she’s warring alone in prayers with generational curses from your linage (Deut 32:30) and as a business man or woman, never take your eyes off your business and allow others keep watch over it at all times. Maintain a close watch and record at all times.


Understand friends that David made a mistake and he repented of it and was forgiven but we are privileged to learn from his mistakes and so we do not have to get to that point before knowing what is right. So I urge us today to start now and war it out.