Thursday, 7 August 2014


Friends, today I want us to understand that nothing can multiply in your hands until there is a release of what you already have, and a hand that is not open can neither give nor receive. There is no amount of prayer or fasting that you involve yourself in that will be able to change this. Looking at the book of 1Kings 17:10-13, we see how obedience to the instruction of God through his servant brought about multiplication and supplication to the life of that woman and her family. And also we see in John 6:5-9, how a little boy by an act of giving all that he had, became a blessing to multitude of people even without his knowledge.We must break free from this adamic nature of selfishness and self-centeredness that has crippled its way to our Christianity. If you are unable to give to God the little you have now you have not totally given your all to God.
God is saying to someone today, if you really want me to make you a blessing to your family and your generation, not even your selfishness must stand in the way it must be broken. In 1 Kings 17: 10-15 when the widow of Zarephath obeyed the voice of God through the Prophet her jar of oil never ran dry till the given day. “the jar of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord gives rain on the land” vs 14. Some of us might say kai…but why would God even send the Prophet to a woman with no husband and little to eat, God must be extremely wicked. If you've ever thought like that, you have missed it. Understand first of all that when God sends a Prophet your way, it is the time for your blessing and secondly when God is about to bless you he disguises it. That’s why you must be sensitive in your spirit at all times and understand what God is trying to do. In this age and time some of us might even cause the Prophet and say things like “all these men of God sef they are asking for too much sef every time give give give and more giving, there are just eating our money. If it’s not tithe its thanksgiving offering or something else etc.” But that was not the thought of this widow. She knew her time for divine supply has come and God has answered her prayers.
For everyone that is reading this today I want this to sink into your spirit that no true Prophet or man of God is looking for your money to live on, it is only a channel to bring down God’s blessing upon you (Psalm 23:1,Philippians 4:19).
It was Bishop Oyedepo that said “God is not in need of anything but he is the meeter of every need.” He doesn’t need anything from you but you need everything from him and even that which is in your hands right now was given to you by God, so why hold it back from him when he makes demands of it. God does not bless hoarders or “akagoms” he blesses those that can release to him even the last 5 Naira or 50,000 Naira that they have and he makes them a blessing. We can see that in the life of our father Abraham in Gen 22:1-18.
Do not be ignorant of the truth not a fact that there is a blessing tied to your obedience to God’s instruction and to giving.
·         When you give you will lack nothing (Prov 28:29)
·         When you give it will come back to you in multiple fold (Luke 6:38)
·        When you give God will make sure that nothing in your hands or around you withers (Mal 3:10-12)
“I Prophecy to someone today that God is making you a blessing to your generation today in Jesus Name.” AMEN!!!
·         Do not give grudgingly but give cheerfully
·         Put God first in all that you do and open your hands to giving and God will supply all your needs.

Remember that when you serve God, God will service you. God Bless you!!!