Sunday, 1 February 2015


            We have become too insensitive as a people and a nation that we cannot recognise the times and seasons we find ourselves in. Our eyes and ears have become so blind and deafened with so much murmuring, complaining, economic holocaust, Naira devaluation and political Hula-Balu that we cannot read the writings on the wall and take our stand as God’s elect in this age and time for Nigeria. Have we forgotten so soon what Jesus said in Mark 3: 23-25 “A nation or house divided against itself cannot stand” (emphasis mine)? Therefore if we the Son’s and Daughter’s of God that we claim we are cannot whole-heartedly stand and pray for the nation that we also claim we love then Nigeria is heading for great doom.
            Today we want to charge each and every one of us to intercede for the peace of this nation Nigeria just like Nehemiah did for Jerusalem in Neh 1:4-11. Please don’t think that your prayers and fasting for this nation are not important. May we also remind you that Nehemiah was only a cup bearer and not an apostle or a prophet but because he stood in the gap for Jerusalem a whole nation (ONE MAN), through his hands God rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem in Just 52 days and also from a cupbearer Nehemiah became the governor (Neh 6:15 & Neh 8:9). Believe it or not but it doesn’t take God time or effort to rebuild the broken walls, economy and leadership of this nation and also in your life, it only takes one man (male or female) to stand in the gap (Ez 22:30).
Would you be that man or woman that will take the bull by the horn and stand for this Nation Nigeria? Remember that the peace, prosperity, abundance, serenity, good leadership and joy that this nation enjoys you also are a great partaker and beneficiary of them all. Therefore ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS STAND!!!