Monday, 17 February 2014


When this message came to me for the first time, I started to understand things better. My dear friends, I am sure we all know that nothing last forever in this world, not even our lives. When I read the book of ecclesiastics, I see how Solomon refers to the things of this world as vanity and I think to myself, 'this king is absolutely right'. Nothing lasts forever. The only thing that a man can hold unto that can guarantee an eternal life is salvation (According to Matt Slick, Salvation is being saved from the righteous judgment of God upon the sinner. A lot of people think that salvation means being saved from yourself or the devil.  But that is not accurate.  All who have sinned against God are under the judgment of God.  This judgment is known as damnation where God condemns to eternal hell all those who have offended Him by breaking His Law).

Let me give you an illustration; you buy a car that is very expensive and it’s the latest of its kind. No matter how you preserve it and clean it, it will one day become old and newer ones will come out. What I am trying to make you see here is that nothing in this world can last forever, everything will go away one way or another. Even humans don’t last. Our salvation is the only thing that can last.

Not to be misunderstood, I am not saying that it is not good to have material things (Psalm 24:1) or want them but you must be sure that those things you desire are not to the detriment of your salvation. You must not give up your salvation if it means you having earthly gains, because as children of God we should understand that this is not our final destination in this race.

If you desire, you can keep your salvation, work on it and try to spread what you know to the people around you so that they can also be beneficiaries to the only thing that lasts forever. Salvation is what everyone should desires as it is the only thing that can make us win this race.

If you are saved today, I want you to say "Lord Jesus, u thank you for saving me. Thank you Lord for the salvation of my soul and give me the grace to share your word and win souls for you"

And if you are not yet saved, I want you to pray this prayer, "Lord Jesus, I come before you with the whole of my heart and I ask that you forgive me all my sins and take me as your own. I ask that you give me the grace to walk with and in you because on my own I can do nothing. Send your Holy Spirit to guide me and teach me your ways. Thank you Lord for answering me"

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