Thursday 27 February 2014


If you have been to a buffet where you have so many delicacies of food to choose from and most times you get as confused as to which to actually dish out first to begin with. Some people might even take a little bit of everything and fill up their But understand that it’s a choice you have to make, either to choose a particular meal or to choose everything laid out for you at the buffet and come out looking ten times bigger. “Life is a choice” and nobody would be blamed for whatsoever decision that we make but ourselves. Are you not sick and tired of saying over and over again that ‘I was not helped by my uncle who is a millionaire that’s why I never hammer (not yet rich) till now’ or ‘my parents didn't train me that’s the reason I can’t make it in life’. I challenge you today that you lift up yourself today, take a stand for yourself and make a choice. If nobody can eat for you or bath for you then certainly nobody can make that decision for you. You and I have that responsibility to make decisions and to stand by them. God clearly stated it saying;
See I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction...this day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. NOW CHOOSE LIFE...
Deut 30:15-19
This might come as a shocker to most of us reading this but there are people that have either chosen to be poor and to remain poor and there are others that have chosen to be rich. I was at my office during the week and a frustrated man walked in saying that God is a partial God and that why is it that some people are rich and some are poor, hmmmmm what a way to bring down a curse upon your entire life and destiny. It became obvious to me that some people have chosen curses and death and don’t even know it by the words they gush out of their mouths. I’m sure you remember the story of Noah’s ark; he had to make a choice to either obey God or build the ark against the flood or to disobey God and join the crowd to die. It also looks to me that Noah would have told them about the great flood coming and invited them to come on board the ark but they made a choice not to. Dear friends, it is your call, you either reject it or you pick it up. It all depends on you.
My great question to all the youths, mothers, fathers and teens reading this is WHO AND WHAT DO YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE TODAY?  Do you decide to give/take that bribe in order to attain that promotion, do you decide to use that fake WAEC result/BSc holder certificate so you can get a job and lie to your parents or do you decide to study hard and become outstanding in life. Bishop David .O. Oyedepo said that “it is better to suffer the pain of success now than to suffer the pain of regret”. I leave you with this that whatsoever decision you make in this life either warrants for a great life, prosperity, curses or death, it is up to you. Make the right decision today by choosing life (Jesus) if you have not made any and if you have made a wrong decision God’s arms are still wide open just for you, all you have to do is to choose life.
Now for as many of us that decide this minute to choose life eternal, I want you to say this prayer below:
“Lord Jesus, today I make a decision to choose you forever as my Lord and personal savior. You are the only reason I’m alive today, therefore I ask that you become the Lord and Master of my life. Save me Lord from every wrong decision that I've made in the past. I CHOOSE YOU LORD IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME...AMEN!!!
·         Make a decision today that you would choose the awesome life that is Jesus and never to go back again.
·         Make a decision today to rewrite every wrong that you made in the past.
·         Make a decision to do something about your current situation.

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