Thursday, 27 February 2014


If you have been to a buffet where you have so many delicacies of food to choose from and most times you get as confused as to which to actually dish out first to begin with. Some people might even take a little bit of everything and fill up their But understand that it’s a choice you have to make, either to choose a particular meal or to choose everything laid out for you at the buffet and come out looking ten times bigger. “Life is a choice” and nobody would be blamed for whatsoever decision that we make but ourselves. Are you not sick and tired of saying over and over again that ‘I was not helped by my uncle who is a millionaire that’s why I never hammer (not yet rich) till now’ or ‘my parents didn't train me that’s the reason I can’t make it in life’. I challenge you today that you lift up yourself today, take a stand for yourself and make a choice. If nobody can eat for you or bath for you then certainly nobody can make that decision for you. You and I have that responsibility to make decisions and to stand by them. God clearly stated it saying;
See I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction...this day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. NOW CHOOSE LIFE...
Deut 30:15-19
This might come as a shocker to most of us reading this but there are people that have either chosen to be poor and to remain poor and there are others that have chosen to be rich. I was at my office during the week and a frustrated man walked in saying that God is a partial God and that why is it that some people are rich and some are poor, hmmmmm what a way to bring down a curse upon your entire life and destiny. It became obvious to me that some people have chosen curses and death and don’t even know it by the words they gush out of their mouths. I’m sure you remember the story of Noah’s ark; he had to make a choice to either obey God or build the ark against the flood or to disobey God and join the crowd to die. It also looks to me that Noah would have told them about the great flood coming and invited them to come on board the ark but they made a choice not to. Dear friends, it is your call, you either reject it or you pick it up. It all depends on you.
My great question to all the youths, mothers, fathers and teens reading this is WHO AND WHAT DO YOU DECIDE TO CHOOSE TODAY?  Do you decide to give/take that bribe in order to attain that promotion, do you decide to use that fake WAEC result/BSc holder certificate so you can get a job and lie to your parents or do you decide to study hard and become outstanding in life. Bishop David .O. Oyedepo said that “it is better to suffer the pain of success now than to suffer the pain of regret”. I leave you with this that whatsoever decision you make in this life either warrants for a great life, prosperity, curses or death, it is up to you. Make the right decision today by choosing life (Jesus) if you have not made any and if you have made a wrong decision God’s arms are still wide open just for you, all you have to do is to choose life.
Now for as many of us that decide this minute to choose life eternal, I want you to say this prayer below:
“Lord Jesus, today I make a decision to choose you forever as my Lord and personal savior. You are the only reason I’m alive today, therefore I ask that you become the Lord and Master of my life. Save me Lord from every wrong decision that I've made in the past. I CHOOSE YOU LORD IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME...AMEN!!!
·         Make a decision today that you would choose the awesome life that is Jesus and never to go back again.
·         Make a decision today to rewrite every wrong that you made in the past.
·         Make a decision to do something about your current situation.

Monday, 24 February 2014


I have been thinking seriously about this and I ask myself, do I really look like my Father? Can someone just take a look at me or listen to me for a minute and say that I am a child of God? I always ask myself this because I know that we are in a world where it has become very hard to say who is a child of God. I saw the story of Peter and John in Acts 4:13 and it got me thinking about my identity. When people saw them they knew that they had been affiliated with Jesus because they had his boldness that only Jesus was known to carry. People knew that these two men were illiterates but still yet they could see how bold they were just by observing them.
When I saw the story, it tickled something in me that made me wonder if people know that I am affiliated with Christ. Sometimes, and I know this happens to a lot of youths, we go to certain places and we are shy to talk about Christ. We can't even say "I Thank God" in front of some of our peers so that they won't call you "Spiri-coco" or names like that.
Let me give an example of something that happened to me. There was a day I was invited to hang out with old friends to catch up on old times. When I got there they asked me what I wanted to drink and I said il just have a bottle of coke. Everybody there including the waiter began to laugh at me and then an old friend said "ahh, this one is now a pastor o, she doesn’t drink". Now,, not that I felt bad that I didn’t drink but I was not happy that I was singled out like that. I felt a little bit bad but on my way home the Holy Spirit said to me "would you have preferred they had said bring 10 bottles for this madam, she can drink more than anyone I know". When I heard that, I agreed with Him.
In Acts 11:26, the bible tells us that this was the first time the disciples were referred to as Christians because they were acting and doing like Jesus. Meaning that, it was very obvious because they were alike with Jesus Christ. If you are truly a child of God people should see it in you. You don’t have to tell people who you are. If people know your biological parents and they see you, they will see a sense of resemblance between you and your parents. That’s how it should be with our heavenly Father.
We are ambassadors of Christ. Wherever we go, people should see us and see God in us. Let me also point out that your representation of Christ can win souls into the kingdom of God. If you show fort the God in you, people can be touched and will want that same thing working in you to work in them. DON’T JUST PREACH GOD, SHOW THE GOD IN YOU.
I want to leave you with this, 1 Timothy 4:12 (NIV) "Don’t let anyone look down on yu because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity". PLEASE LET SEE OUR FATHER IN US.
"Lord, I ask that you give me the grace to be able to show forth who you are in my life. Help me to be a good ambassador to your kingdom and give me the strength to overcome all distractions of the enemy to make me mis-represent you".


Thursday, 20 February 2014


Understand that every man, woman, boy or girl whether old or young born of a woman has a past. No man can have a future without having a past, so understand that the actions you take today it’s a determinant of the results you experience in the future but your future can be far much better. Please stay with me on this.....Someone might say “Well I don’t think my life can be sweeter or better than it already is since my past was as ugly as hell, I just have to accept my fate”. Another might even say I’ve been a cheater, a drunkard, a smoker, a prostitute and even a murderer...nothing good can come out of my future. If you are in that situation right now and you are reading this I urge you just “TURN ASIDE” like Samson did.
The Spirit of the Lord came upon him in power so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he might have torn a young goat...sometime later when he went back...he turned aside to look at the lion’s carcass. In it was a swarm of bees and some honey which he scooped out with his hand and ate as he went along...”
JUDGES 14:6-8
Wow!!! Honey from the carcass of a lion, think about that for some seconds. Why not vultures on top of the lion tearing the flesh of the lion apart and flies everywhere but the most unthinkable thing was there “the producer (the bees) and the product (the honey)”. God the producer of everything sweet, perfect and everything priceless is saying he is stepping into that dead business, career, ministry, relationship and even that health in Jesus Name. But you have a responsibility to turn aside or look again. A seed must die first in the ground before it sprouts up and produces fruit that are sweet and tasteful. Samson had to turn aside on that same road before he could see the honey in the carcass of the lion, if he didn't he wouldn't know have known forever. Moses also turned aside to look at the burning bush that wasn't burning in Exodus 3:3 and there his destiny took shape. What God is saying to every reader today is don’t give up on that project, don’t pull the life plug just yet, don’t give up on that brother or friend, don’t fold up that business or ministry, don’t give up on that marriage and don’t give up on yourself....just take one look back again and ask God to open your eyes to see that honey in that dead and bitter circumstance.
You may not be able to change your past but your future is a whole new chapter and has a chance to write off your ugly past. God is offering you that honey today, all you have to do is to turn aside, look again at the scriptures and listens to what God is saying. And for as many that have never given God a chance into their lives and you want to be saved in order to access this honey that he is offering you, please say this prayer below;
“Lord Jesus I know I've tried to help myself but it’s not working, I realize that I need your help because I cannot help myself. Save me Lord Jesus, come into my life and be the Lord of my life and every of my affairs. Thank you Lord for saving me in Jesus Name....AMEN!!!

From today, cease to be in charge of whatsoever situation you are going through and allow God step in to make it sweeter.


Monday, 17 February 2014


When this message came to me for the first time, I started to understand things better. My dear friends, I am sure we all know that nothing last forever in this world, not even our lives. When I read the book of ecclesiastics, I see how Solomon refers to the things of this world as vanity and I think to myself, 'this king is absolutely right'. Nothing lasts forever. The only thing that a man can hold unto that can guarantee an eternal life is salvation (According to Matt Slick, Salvation is being saved from the righteous judgment of God upon the sinner. A lot of people think that salvation means being saved from yourself or the devil.  But that is not accurate.  All who have sinned against God are under the judgment of God.  This judgment is known as damnation where God condemns to eternal hell all those who have offended Him by breaking His Law).

Let me give you an illustration; you buy a car that is very expensive and it’s the latest of its kind. No matter how you preserve it and clean it, it will one day become old and newer ones will come out. What I am trying to make you see here is that nothing in this world can last forever, everything will go away one way or another. Even humans don’t last. Our salvation is the only thing that can last.

Not to be misunderstood, I am not saying that it is not good to have material things (Psalm 24:1) or want them but you must be sure that those things you desire are not to the detriment of your salvation. You must not give up your salvation if it means you having earthly gains, because as children of God we should understand that this is not our final destination in this race.

If you desire, you can keep your salvation, work on it and try to spread what you know to the people around you so that they can also be beneficiaries to the only thing that lasts forever. Salvation is what everyone should desires as it is the only thing that can make us win this race.

If you are saved today, I want you to say "Lord Jesus, u thank you for saving me. Thank you Lord for the salvation of my soul and give me the grace to share your word and win souls for you"

And if you are not yet saved, I want you to pray this prayer, "Lord Jesus, I come before you with the whole of my heart and I ask that you forgive me all my sins and take me as your own. I ask that you give me the grace to walk with and in you because on my own I can do nothing. Send your Holy Spirit to guide me and teach me your ways. Thank you Lord for answering me"

Thursday, 13 February 2014


Have you noticed that every success story you might have read or heard of is always as a result of adequate preparation? Understand people of God that no one succeeds by mistake, chance and some of us may even call it luck. Now follow me as we go on this journey: In Matt 25:1-13, understand that all the ten virgins took their lamps to meet the bridegroom at the same time. They all had the same opportunity and time to prepare adequately for the coming of the bridegroom, all ten of them were virgins, all ten of these virgins slept off at the same time. But what distinguished the five wise virgins and the five foolish virgins was ADEQUATE PREPARATION.
Note also that the association you keep will either make you worse than you are or better than you already are. The company you keep will either cause you to prepare for your life, ministry, destiny, business and for the next level. Put differently they can either bring you closer to God or further from God (proverbs 13:20). You know I wonder just maybe among the foolish virgins one tried to be smarter and probably brought up the idea to carry extra oil (the word of God). But maybe the four virgins shut her down and probably said “it’s not necessary, our oil will never burn out”.
Sir’s and Ma’s a wise man is a man with extra. Put differently a man or woman with extra is always distinguished. Have you noticed in schools that the best students is always the one who read further and had something extra to add to what his/her teacher has taught. Preparation is not done in assumption. The word of God is the oil to keep adding for you to be prepared for the coming of the lord. Never assume that you know the word totally and you don’t need any more of it; never assume that you know all about your destiny, business, career, marriage, and relationship, there is always room to dig deeper and most of all don’t get to the point that you don’t need God anymore.
Friends, you never know when that open door will come, or when that long awaited call or contract will come, IT’S ONLY WHEN YOUR LIGHT KEEPS SHINING YOU WOULD BE ABLE TO SEE THE HIDDEN TREASURES THAT GOD HAS FOR YOU. STAY PREPARED FOR THE UNEXPECTED.

Always take with you extra oil (the word of God) you never know when the bridegroom will come. Always walk with the wise in order for you to stay prepared. Remember that your friends will always make you or break you. God bless you.

Monday, 10 February 2014


I have always had a hard time dealing with change; mostly because when I am at a point in my life that feels comfortable I don’t want things to change. But then I realized that, change is a constant thing or should I say a force of life. Change is inevitable, no one can stop change.
Now as Christians we cannot be the same forever. We have to change and solve in Christ. What I mean is that no Christian is permitted to be at the same spot forever. A wise man of God said that in the school of Jesus, there is no graduate but there are levels and depths. just like there are classes in orthodox schools.
It is important for us to know that it takes courage and desperation for us to change. Many of us are used to complaining and murmuring about everything that has gone wrong in our lives but the truth is that when you complain and murmur you just cost yourself to worry and it leads to no gain.  There are many instances in the bible that you can see how people changed their lives just by being courageous and desperate (it is important to know that only a Child of God can truly change and command results in his/her life).
Look at Jacob in Genesis 32:24-29, he was tired of his situation and he had the courage to hold unto God and when God saw his desperation, He made Jacob a changed man. Also look at the story of Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52, who was shouting the Name of Jesus from afar, people told him to stop but he didn't because the was desperate. When Jesus sensed his desperation he was called and healed. May I remind you that there were a number of people following Jesus but none of them were recorded to be healed or changed but the courageous man who was desperate got his change.
Now looking at the above example, you can see that these two men did not just sit down and beg. They took bold steps of faith and pursued what they wanted. It is time to stop complaining and rise up, cry to the lord with desperation and receive the grace to change. SOMETHING MUST CHANGE.

"Father, I come before you today to seek your mercies. Forgive me all I have done and accept me into your kingdom. I pray thee o Lord that you help me to change. I don’t want to be the same person I was yesterday. Thank you lord because I know something is changing in me"

God bless you.                        

Friday, 7 February 2014


Jeremiah 30:19, Psalm 100:4-5
I woke up late last night for no reason and I didn't really know what to do. I then remembered that I was reading a book by Dr Paul Eneche on "10 principal secrets of principal people". And I got to the chapter of the action of thinking and I decided to practice what I had read. I didn't know what really to think of but then it hit me "What are you thankful for". I don't know why that came to my mind but I guess it's because of the things I've been going through of late.
 Not to keep you in the dark, from the beginning of this year things have not been easy for me and my family and this has caused us a lot of emotional breakdown. But then when the Holy Spirit laid this in my heart (what are you thankful for) I began to ask myself questions. Does it mean because I'm hurt I won't thank God? Does it mean that my happiness determines the praise I Give to God? Hmmm, when I thought deeply about this I said to myself ,"Get it Right".
I then began to think of the things God has done for me this year, some that most of us consider to be normal but yet divine. I thought of how I wake up every day, breath freely, eat well, never in need of money, very healthy, go to work and church every day (100 days fasting and prayer RCCG), strength to carry out my normal activities, seeing my family everyday and list goes on and on. After thinking about all this the first thing I said out loud was "the devil is a liar". He cannot just come from nowhere and begin to affect my thanksgiving to God because I didn't get all I wanted. And I know that there are many of us that our thanksgiving is conditional; meaning that only when we get blessed that's when we are grateful to God but it shouldn't be so.
God's love for us is unconditional and that is enough reason why we should thank Him. See, the truth is that we may not be where we want to be, but we should be grateful to God for what we are. Learn to appreciate God. So I urge to take out time and tell God how grateful you are for all the things he has done for you even those ones you count as irrelevant. And I'm sure you know that when you thank someone for what they have done for you, they will be pushed to do more for you.

1) Begin to list out all that God has done for you all the way from last year 2013 to this year 2014 and be thankful. Be grateful for where you are now because you are definitely not where you used to be. 
2) Stop complaining about your present situation and start Thanking God for the solution already
Psalm 105:1-2 and Psalm 124
God bless you